While not all life insurance policies require a physical, many do. While this certainly shouldn’t be the only motivating factor in committing to a healthy lifestyle, life insurance policies can be a major support system after you retire so it may be something to keep on your radar.
As you age, your bodies take on more and more pressure from the natural course of life as well as any extended illnesses, injuries, or stressors. Fortunately, there are preemptive measures you can take in order to counteract some of the eventual circumstances found later in life. The long term benefit of this is not only leading a healthier lifestyle but also minimizing the financial pressure of medical costs and life insurance contingencies.
Much of what we do in terms of physical activity after 50 is based around maintenance and mobility. Because of how we treated ourselves during the first fifty years, certain actions may be more or less difficult. So, it is important that you speak with a doctor or professional, especially if you encounter limitations in physical activity.
Improve Your Health
The following items can help with cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, and neurological health as well as boosting energy:
- Strength Training (Auxiliary and Core)
- Walking
- Aerobics
- Nutrition
- Balance
- Flexibility
- Meditation
- Sleep
Not only do these improve quality of life with relatively immediate benefits, their payoff can have positive, lasting results if they are worked into a consistent routine.
For many of you in the 45-60 year old age range, you may be supporting your parents in their search for life insurance. You are probably learning that not all policies are treated or managed the same. Setting yourself up with your best (and strongest) foot forward can dramatically improve your experience down the line when it is your turn to consider life insurance.
For those of you looking into life insurance policies now, better health will only benefit you. If you select a policy universal life insurance policy, there could be alternatives, add-ons, or riders available to you based on physical health. If you maintain strong health, this may also make options to change premiums or coverage easier because you have decreased your health risks from physical activity.
As mentioned before, there are policies and programs available that do not consider physical health during coverage consideration but it may be in your best interest to open up all the options with good health on your side.